Sunday, June 15, 2008

i'm in college too

I'm utsav sarkar or aapka fatuti, bhoole toh nahi.
Off to college, Probabely University of Manchester... thanks for everything friends. It would be foolish to say stay in touch so i shall say, stay in some deep cob webbed corner of one's brain, to dust them and rekindle that flame of acquaintance, if not friendhip, yet again...

i'm in college too

Friday, May 12, 2006

Bon Anniversaire

Hello Friends
365 days ago, this very day, at this very time, we all met at the airport to spend the next 14 days together. 14 days which we are going to remember for the rest of our lives. 14 days which introduced us to new people and great food. And 14 days which turned us into great friends.

We thank you lord for that wonderful experience
I shall try to call everyone tomorrow, the day we reached france and started the frantic search for toilets

Monday, April 24, 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006


There shall be no partay for my birday.
signing off

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

yappy birthday too yoo...

happy birthday Mr G.

and no thanks for telling us sooner

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The blog has become unpopular


Well, its been a long time since i posted on this blog for obvious enough reasons but it seems that the blog has become unused. Nobody seems to participate in blog activities these days.

Whats the matter ppl? I can't participate becoz of the curfew but you people have got enough time i gues.......
time to catch up and keep up, folks....
lets have a rendez-vous smwhere after MARCH. All the Zone de France members (even the HOOD)

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Yappy Noo Ear

Hey Losers(ANd hi 10v)
Happy New Year to all of you
If you did not get an email from me, then blame me
If you did not get my message or call, blame the jammed networks
Signing off